Learning to love the worst parts of yourself embodiment emotions sahmethod selflove

Last year I intentionally reconnected with the part of me I had unconsciously shamed for the last 21 years with the desire to begin to heal.

At 14 my behaviour could be considered reckless. I became sexually active, stopped going to school, lied constantly about my whereabouts & withdrew all...

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Doing "the work" is never just for you divorce embodiment innerwork sahmethod

Activating the courage to actually begin speaking about what’s below the almost superficial trauma of my divorce (which only triggered what I had repressed, neglected, denied as a child) still feels challenging and it’s still not something I feel safe to do.

But, ive alluded to it in...

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Three Ways to Be : Inspo From Ancient Vedic Scriptures embodiment emotions mindset

The following idea, “three ways to be” is about three thousand years old, proving that the most helpful psychology might not always be the newest. 

Ancient Vedic scriptures were something I studied deeply as part of my training with the Dharma Coaching institute, and the three...

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Our gut feelings. Our intuition. Feelings of de ja vu. Urges, cravings and impulses. embodiment emotions innerwork manifest

Ive felt as if im on mute lately. Im finding it hard to talk.

Not in the physical sense, (although Im certain my husband would feel a strong sense of relief if that were the case for a few days) but I experience myself having a powerful realisation rise within me, I notice the urge to share it...

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Bring it on, Universe! Iā€™m ready now!!! embodiment emotions manifest
I got asked the kind of cliche question “what would you tell your younger self?” today - and as the answer came tumbling forward.. I knew I had to share it with you.

The wild web can make us feel really...
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How to Activate Confidence embodiment emotions mindset
Confidence is seen as a sort of armour that you can strap on before you wage war on the people, places and things that make you feel insecure, uncertain and unworthy. We believe that confidence will give us the strength we need to have a quicker wit, sharper tongue, stronger instincts.

We have...
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Manifesting for the skeptical : Your AHA Moment is here embodiment innerwork manifest
As you try and manifest and imagine a future that holds the very things you desire, you might have a hard time, and trip yourself up feeling a little silly, telling yourself that its not real – and that imagining it to be real feels clunky, stupid, naïve and fruitless.

I want to...
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What to do if you cant afford Crystals or "trendy" healing tools embodiment innerwork rituals selflove
I couldn’t afford crystals.

In my private program today, the women are exploring how to create sacred spaces in their own homes - to honour themselves, reflect their desires and intentions and create visual reflections to prompt and support their commitment to self.

I also shared this...
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Creating a New Normal embodiment manifest mindset

EVERYTHING you dream of one day doing or achieving or witnessing yourself as is something that for somebody else in the world –is a no brainer. They dont even just see it as possible, but as NORMAL, and maybe even boring.
Your some day dream life is somebody...
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Overcoming cycles of binge eating and learning to trust my body embodiment innerwork selflove
I went for a full binge last night.

“Stuff yourself” the two words that have sounded like guidance for as long as I can remember, that appear from nowhere and lead me straight to a feeling of “yup, I was right, everything sucks”

Something clicked in me last night...
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Manifesting Instantly (well, almost) embodiment innerwork manifest mindset sahmethod

My loves - the power of our word and a deep declaration is WILD and this morning I had something wonderful made obvious to me and I want to share it with you as an example of just how magnetic we can be!

Yesterday, together with the 12 women that registered for my November Activation group...

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Information vs Embodiment embodiment innerwork mindset

Im showing up today to have a conversation with you fully acknowledging that I call bullshit so powerfully because I consider myself to be a reformed bullshitter.

If you have worked with me then you know I have a brilliant bullshit radar & today, Im going to be blatantly honest with you about...

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