Inner Child Healing embodiment innerwork mumlife selflove

“No matter where you are, or what you are doing or who you are with - I will always honestly, truly, completely love you”


I cry every time I let my mind forecast a future that sees my little boy out in the world - independent of me. Right now, where ever he goes I am always a...

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How Louise Hay Inspires Self Love embodiment innerwork selflove

Let’s get clear on what we mean when we talk about loving the self.  


“What about me makes me an incredible partner for the right person?”

This is a question we can ask ourselves whether we are single, in a relationship, looking for a relationship or not. As humans...

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I came across photos of myself from high school recently manifest selflove

Sick of hiding?

I was forever hiding.

I came across photos of myself from high school recently.

I smiled at this sweet teenage version of me and I can see myself trying to fade away into the background. I’m quite literally trying to GET BEHIND other people when photos are being taken.


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Toxicity isnā€™t cute - itā€™s upgrade season embodiment emotions selflove selfsabotage

I think – therefore I am is bullshit.

As humans we have this incredible ability to hack the processing software that is our mind & master it to help us cultivate our own enlightened qualities.

But we don’t dont that…we just let that shit run… we don’t press the...

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Your presence is your power sahmethod selflove

 Your presence is your power. What you make available for the people around you through the safety they feel to be fully expressed as themselves because you are the complete embodiment of your own sovereignty.. that’s an immeasurable power my love.

I’m not minimising the need for...

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Our fear strengthens our faith embodiment emotions selflove

We take the clickbait again and again hoping for the quick fix, the fast track, the short cut, the straightforward solution to whatever it is we are trying to figure out.

We are a self conscious society that has very little tolerance for our own perceived limitations.

The truth is - we have been...

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What happens next? Not in the next lifeā€¦ here in this one. embodiment emotions sahmethod selflove

I have caused a whole lot of chaos and destruction in my world flipping tables figuratively and literally at the devastation that raged through me again and again when I realised that I still felt overwhelmed, vulnerable, anxious and scared of how this all ends…

Like what happens next? Not...

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The 3 Kinds of Trauma you might be experiencing emotions innerwork selflove

We have become so familiar with chronic stress that to anything other than be in chaos feels off.

There’s been a lot of chaos in my world - and because we share the same world, I bet your experience reflects something similar. Unique experiences - but universal too.

The literature tells us...

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Learning to love the worst parts of yourself embodiment emotions sahmethod selflove

Last year I intentionally reconnected with the part of me I had unconsciously shamed for the last 21 years with the desire to begin to heal.

At 14 my behaviour could be considered reckless. I became sexually active, stopped going to school, lied constantly about my whereabouts & withdrew all...

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What to do if you cant afford Crystals or "trendy" healing tools embodiment innerwork rituals selflove
I couldn’t afford crystals.

In my private program today, the women are exploring how to create sacred spaces in their own homes - to honour themselves, reflect their desires and intentions and create visual reflections to prompt and support their commitment to self.

I also shared this...
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Confidence Hangovers innerwork mindset selflove
Activating our voice and speaking our truth sounds really powerful - but it can also be kind of terrifying.

Appearing as a "guest" on podcasts used to make me feel really sick - Id have a great time recording but then as the release date of the episode approached, Id have a sick feeling in my...
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Overcoming cycles of binge eating and learning to trust my body embodiment innerwork selflove
I went for a full binge last night.

“Stuff yourself” the two words that have sounded like guidance for as long as I can remember, that appear from nowhere and lead me straight to a feeling of “yup, I was right, everything sucks”

Something clicked in me last night...
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