I'm devoted to empowering natural-born leaders, community builders, facilitators, teachers, and women on their journey to lead their families with purpose. Through my guidance, they uncover their genuine expression, nurture self-compassion, and bravely overcome obstacles. This transformative path not only enables them to contribute meaningfully to the world but also brings them deep fulfilment as they embrace their authentic selves without wasting a moment more of their precious lives here in this wild world of ours. 


Im Lena, and I have done alot of pretty epic shit & also managed to overcome alot of my own self produced fuckeries along the way too. Currently, I am the Executive of Certification & Education for The SAH Method, Owner and Co Director of Geelong Boxing Club & Beyond Boxing, multi disciplinary modern mystic embodying my lifes work & devoted to amplifying your life's purpose in this life too. 

I am a multi-hyphenate human squeezing as much juice as possible out of life as a wife & mother to my sexy AF husband, darling little boy &and the keeper of our bustling household filled with furry & feathered friends.

And here and now, Im here for the activation of your own self leadership. 


Here's Why We Are Connected... 
I understand where you're coming from.


You're a natural leader, community builder, facilitator, and good human trying to make meaning in this world. Your creative energy is abundant, and you've often turned nothing into something remarkable, inspiring those around you. Generating ideas comes naturally to you – you've got a million of them.

Life has presented its challenges, but you've gained valuable lessons along the way. Now, you're eager to share more of yourself with the world, to delve deeper into your experiences and insights.

Yet, beneath your confident exterior lies a sense of being stuck – tethered to the stories and emotions of your past. It's as if you're trapped in a cycle of stagnation, yearning to break free into the limitless future you know is waiting for you.

In my journey, I've grappled with similar feelings. Stuck in a cycle of stagnation, unable to break free from the shadows of my past. The weight of stories and emotions from yesteryears seemed to anchor me down, holding me back from stepping into the limitless future I knew was just waiting for me.

But here's the thing – breaking free isn't just about physical liberation. It's about untangling the knots of doubt and fear that have woven their way into your soul. It's about rewriting your story with newfound clarity and purpose.

Every step forward may feel like a battle against the inertia of complacency, a daring leap into the unknown. Yet with each leap, you can feel the weight of stagnation begin to lift, replaced by a sense of exhilaration and possibility.

Know that the future you desire isn't a distant fantasy – it's right within your reach, ready for you to experience.

Together, we can untangle the threads of doubt and fear, paving the way towards the boundless future that lies ahead.


It's about embodying the leader you are, making a meaningful impact, and leaving a lasting difference in the lives of others, whether that's within the four walls of your home or beyond. 

As you add your unique contribution to the world, you'll discover profound fulfilment in the impact you create. It's in those moments that you'll truly feel the essence of who you are and the joy that comes from expressing & sharing your authentic self.







Take a compassionate look inward and identify the barriers, whether self-imposed or external, that hinder your authenticity.

Acknowledge and embrace your responsibility for your thoughts, emotions, actions, and behavior & create powerful practices to become a conscious creator of your experiences and environment.



Define your core values and cultivate a life that aligns with them, leading by example.

Establish a daily practice that fosters self-trust and empowers you to inspire others.

Learn to set boundaries, recognize your worth, and confidently articulate your needs, inspiring others to do the same.



Discover your genuine voice in real life and on social platforms, inspiring others to embrace their authenticity.

Share, express, and create from your authentic self, inspiring others to do the same.

Share your story and wisdom authentically, inspiring others to share their own.

Create unique and genuine content that reflects your individuality, inspiring others to express themselves fully.

Communicate with love, clarity, and directness, creating environments for others to do so as well.

Lead with authenticity and compassion, inspiring others to lead with integrity and kindness.



Lead by example and inspire others to embrace self-leadership.

Naturally attract people who are inspired by your authenticity and leadership.

Confidently encouage others to embrace their authentic selves simply through your presence. 

Empower others to express themselves fully and unapologetically.

Inspire genuine healing and growth in yourself and others.

Become a powerful and inspirational leader who uplifts and empowers those around you at home or in the work you do in the world. 


The Mentorship Experience is delivered over 8 weeks. For 2 months, we will work intimately together to support you in becoming truly empowered to: 

Embrace Authenticity

Uncover your core values, desires, and the barriers hindering your progress. Through somatic healing, empower yourself to express your authentic self with compassion and confidence.

Cultivate Courage and Accountability

Take decisive actions, recognising your worth and embracing self-compassion along the way. Deepen your somatic healing practice to cultivate inner strength and resilience.

Enhance Communication

Communicate authentically, clearly, and gracefully, rooted in self-compassion and authenticity. Express yourself confidently and compassionately, in alignment with your values.

Foster Creativity

Develop a creative daily practice that stretches your boundaries and propels you toward creating the life you desire, infused with somatic healing principles. Harness your authentic expression to inspire creativity and transformation to be embodied in a life that feels true to your own genuine desires, purpose and expansion. 

This intimate & immersive 2 month mentorship package includes:

  • Experience the power of three private 1-hour Zoom sessions each month, where you'll receive real-time support in processing, reflecting, and consciously taking action. I'll serves as your advocate for authenticity, expression, integrity, and courage, empowering you through self-realisation and invigorating your innate power, potential, and possibility. This intimate, all-in, and incredibly personal support will lead to transformation with lasting positive ripple effects, building momentum for your future.📆

  • I'm here for you in between sessions, sending over resources, prompts, and insights each week. These are tailored just for you, naturally flowing with the progress we make together. It's during these check-ins that we celebrate your wins, reflect on breakthroughs, and weave all your progress together. 🌟

  • Experience a personalised monthly Somatic Activated Healing session tailored exclusively for you each month. This guided practice incorporates affirmations and mantras designed to enhance your daily self-care routine and foster personal growth. These sessions are tailored exclusively to your needs, guiding you through a journey of inner exploration and empowerment, leaving you refreshed, renewed, and deeply aligned with your true self.

  • Get access to ACTIVATED, the Group Coaching Membership offering weekly sessions, workshops, shared resources, PDFs, templates, and much more.  


✅ The mentorship experience requires a minimum commitment of 2 months. If you wish to continue receiving support beyond this initial period, we can collaborate to tailor a personalised plan that meets your ongoing needs and preferences.

The 2 month mentorship experience is priced at $560 USD.

Payment plans for 6 months are available upon request. For more information about payment plan structures and support, please email [email protected]

Additionally, BIPOC and returning clients will always receive a 10% discount.



In our one-on-one sessions, you'll experience an intimate and customised journey encompassing various facets of personal growth, spirituality and empowerment - meeting you where you are, as you are. 

From delving into alignment and strategic goal setting to exploring the intricate realms of energetics, somatics, and embodiment, we'll uncover layers of self-awareness and potential.

We stay connected, between sessions, I'm just a message away, offering unwavering support, accountability, and guidance to maintain your forward momentum.

With a focus on translating intentions into tangible action, my mentorship approach is designed to foster lasting, genuine transformation and growth.

Each month, we'll navigate the terrain of your evolving priorities, whether it's cultivating self-worth, navigating career transitions, or deepening interpersonal connections.

Drawing on my expertise in life purpose coaching, intuitive guidance, and years of experience in peak performance coaching, together, we'll reveal and amplify the depths of your potential as you embody more of your own life's purpose in your relationships, your home, your community and beyond. 


💘 💘 Let's be upfront: If you're seeking a strict agenda for every session or definite outcomes, I gently suggest this might not be the right fit. Moreover, I can't guarantee specific results — it's your level of engagement and dedication that will truly generate the shifts and make the biggest impact. Rest assured, I'll share all that I am and all that I know in service of your expansion and evolution. There are limited spaces available to ensure I can be truly connected and committed to the people trusting me to support them. 

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