Our gut feelings. Our intuition. Feelings of de ja vu. Urges, cravings and impulses. embodiment emotions innerwork manifest

Ive felt as if im on mute lately. Im finding it hard to talk.

Not in the physical sense, (although Im certain my husband would feel a strong sense of relief if that were the case for a few days) but I experience myself having a powerful realisation rise within me, I notice the urge to share it...

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Bring it on, Universe! Iā€™m ready now!!! embodiment emotions manifest
I got asked the kind of cliche question “what would you tell your younger self?” today - and as the answer came tumbling forward.. I knew I had to share it with you.

The wild web can make us feel really...
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How to Activate Confidence embodiment emotions mindset
Confidence is seen as a sort of armour that you can strap on before you wage war on the people, places and things that make you feel insecure, uncertain and unworthy. We believe that confidence will give us the strength we need to have a quicker wit, sharper tongue, stronger instincts.

We have...
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Use Your Emotions to guide you towards what you truly want emotions manifest selfsabotage

The emotional scale exercise as the original version of this concept was first developed by Abraham Hicks.

I was gifted with this exercise during a coaching session with one of my spiritual teachers who was encouraging me to see the gift in the anger I had released..even though at the time, the...

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