Dec 05, 2022

Have you noticed a fixation with “doing the inner work” here on the wild web.

Ill put my hand up and say I know alot of what I say and share contributes to this butttt I’m starting to see a trend of….

“I need to do more inner work SO I can manifest more money”

“I need to dive deeper into my shadows SO I can attract my soulmate”

“I need to get rid of this limiting belief SO my business can finally attract success”

My beef with this is that talk this comes from a disempowering place of

“I am not worthy or capable of manifesting my deepest desires UNLESS….”

What I want you to get for yourself is that there is no “unless”.

This is not your truth.

You are already worthy.

Your worthiness is not something that can be earned by working harder or diving deeper or journalling more or doing the right things.

Your worth will not change based on the amount of inner work you do.

The Universe does not “reward” someone who does more inner work with “more manifestations”.

That is not unconditional love. That is a a toxic relationship.

In all of your perceived imperfections, you are still unconditionally loved & worthy.

So no, “doing the inner work” it is not something you HAVE TO DO.

But it is important if you have a desire for deep fulfilment alongside your physical manifestations.

We don’t do inner work as a prerequisite to “manifest more”.

The universe isnt some authority figure that gives us permission to have what we want.

We devote ourselves to inner work if and when we want feel more free.

To access our divinity.

& more often than not, yes, this does go hand-in-hand with attracting our desires more easily….as the more liberated we feel internally, the more likely we are to attract external experiences which match this internal liberation.

But no, you don’t need to get rid of that limiting belief in order to manifest your dreams.
The hardest and worst year of my life was also the year I experienced the most success.

You can have it all…. now. right now.

But most of us don’t actually want what we think we want.
We want the way we think it will make us feel.

& when it comes down to it, we all want to feel more free.

And the $$, the love, the travel…none of it will liberate you.

Only you can do that for yourself.

THIS is why we do the work. Freedom. Liberation. Love.

You are whole as you are.
Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

Watch a free workshop now!


19 minute transmission from the heart of Lena Moxon. 
Activating your willingness to step up as the leader of your own life & write the next chapter of your story.

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