We don’t want you getting high ... we want you to be free.

Jan 02, 2023

A little self obsession causes a wholllle lot of self sabotage.

You will never win an argument with yourself.

You will go backwards and forwards, triggering yourself stupid - but here’s the thing : Thoughts don’t need action or reaction 👽👽👽

Want to go on a wild ride?

Observe your Mind for 5 mins.

😂 hilarious.

As IF you can sit still without distracting yourself for five minutes. What’s your distraction of choice?? You are here on Instagram with me so I’m willing to bet you love a scroll, swipe and emoji binge as much as I do.

But honestly, I do spend quality time with myself and I can clearly remember how hard I had to work to spend 5 mins observing my own thoughts.

I *love* seeing womxn filling their own cups and doing things that make them feel good. But I’m kind of OBSESSED with helping womxn understand that a lot of the “self care” practises out there are just setting you up for temporary highs.. and you’ll chase one high after another.

We don’t want you getting high ... we want you to be free.

Free from what? Free from the overthinking, overstimulated, overwhelmed mind of yours that creates alllll sorts of bullshit every day.

You are not your thoughts.

If this has confused you - I really hope you stay connected and I can share more with you, because this FREEDOM is so juicy and will reallly fill your cup.

To begin - sit and observe your thoughts for 5 minutes. NOTICE that your thoughts don’t actually require you to take action or react.

That’s right.

They can come and go without you taking action or reacting in any way.

Learning how to lovingly witness your thoughts and FEEL the separation between who you are and your thoughts... it’s like a portal to a new world.

Your inner world is waiting for you.

... I won’t go too woo on you today, I’ll just encourage you to notice your thoughts and NOTICE you don’t actually have to take action or react to them.

Cool huh ?

Watch a free workshop now!


19 minute transmission from the heart of Lena Moxon. 
Activating your willingness to step up as the leader of your own life & write the next chapter of your story.

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