Sah Dsimone encouraged me to spend an entire day in non duality

Jul 27, 2022

It’s hard out here in these healing streets 😎😝

Recently @sahdsimone encouraged me to spend an entire day in non duality as part of my initiation into certification to become a somatic activated healer.

I’ve lived a lot of my life through the lens of “maybe” much to the frustration of people closest to me - so this wasn’t sooo much of a challenge for me BUT consciously witnessing the ways I have been repeating the habit of relying on the past for certainty in the mundane, day to day things that ultimately make up the majority of my lived experience was pretttttty uncomfortable 🤡

Yup, truly watch yourself and the ways you water seeds of old habits in the little things you do like what you like to make for breakfast, what seat you like to sit in, what radio station you tune into in the car, the particular phrase-ology you use to greet people - you begin to realise a lot of who you are is an expression of the way you have decided things “should” be.


Here’s the problem. When we decide something should be a certain way, we unconsciously move through the world with a subtle judgement about everything we witness.

“Maybe” offers us the opportunity to pause and consider the endless possibilities for the way things could be - from that place we plant new seeds of hope, potential and creation within ourselves 💚🙌

That’s the vibe.

What’s something you just “do” that you could shake up on your own daily routine as an exercise in being open to al that has gone unexplored, unexamined, unseen in your experience up until this point?

Play today 💚🤘

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19 minute transmission from the heart of Lena Moxon. 
Activating your willingness to step up as the leader of your own life & write the next chapter of your story.

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