$28.00 USD

MY SWEET DEVOTION : 14 Day Guided Morning Practices


If you’re ready to truly commit to waking up and living a fully expressed, joyful life & longing to establish a morning practice that activates your power, potential and purpose…  you can start simply. 


My Sweet Devotion is the immersive experience that will reawaken your true self & reclaim your future with easy to follow, uplifting, guided morning practices.

Each day for 14 days you will receive an email with a transformative & heart opening prompts & guided practices that will wake you up to your true potential day after day.  


On days 1-7, the inspirational prompts will be inspired by the work of Julia Cameon that will open your creative soul and provide specific tools that you can continue to use beyond this experience to establish a framework for your own personal growth and development.

Days 8-14 will be illuminated by the work of Louise Hay, specifically focusing on mirror work and the ways in which we can use to boost our own self esteem and develop a deeper, more connected relationship with the truth of who we are.

The sessions are shared in written form or pre-recorded so that you can choose to play them on demand at any time as you are guided in developing a sweet devotional morning practice of your own. 


This offers 14 different practices to explore, experience and enhance your own - or as the inspiration to begin a morning practice! 

Join us and register to begin on June 10th and be part of a gorgeous community, energetically supporting each other through the shared experiencing of a daily practice that will not only offer direction as you wake each day, but will guide you towards you authentic awakening!