Snap out of Autopilot & Activate Joy

innerwork meditation rituals Oct 01, 2022


Let me begin by getting one thing very clear, I am not speaking to you from a position of power or some self proclaimed expertise. I am speaking to you as a woman that has committed herself to sourcing the tools, resources, methods and modalities that will support you in exploring and understanding what it would mean for you to be fully expressed. To bring forward the unique, energetic expression of who you are and live your life in full recognition of your purpose, power and necessity.


My own lived experiences, my journey, my work and now my offerings reflect that I AM FAR FROM ENLIGHTENED – BUT CLOSER TO THE TRUTH.

I am standing by your side as we liberate ourselves from the waiting – waiting for the right time, waiting for the sign, waiting for the permission to be all of who we are.

Your time is now.  I hope you listen in today and feel the way that the words I speak, the message Im doing my best to communicate is so intune with what you have needed to hear that you feel like I have been living inside your mind, gathering your thoughts, sorting through them – and that you hear something in this for yourself today that is so specific, so aligned to the desires at the base of your being that you have no doubt that things are working out for you. Feel into the belief that this message is for you. May this call you up and call you out. I hope today this wakes you up to the parts of yourself that you know are there, but you keep saying one day Ill say yes to them, one day Ill explore them, one day Ill get to know myself in that way..


Well today is that day.


Every day we get to actively choose to wake every part of ourselves up.


To touch and reclaim body, mind and soul.

I hope today is the day that you listen in for yourself and know that you are ready to not just feel into what Im sharing with you, but that you are ready to take action. To go beyond the fear, beyond the hesitation, beyond the doubts and the pain and realise that you don’t have to wait for a perfect time to make yourself a priority. You don’t have to make more money to feel safe to invest in yourself. You don’t need more energy to tune into what is available for you.

Lets move you from indecision to instinct, lets shift from pain to purpose.


May we let our past selves rest for a moment, and let this conversation be a promise to your future self. Let your furture self know that you are listening, you are paying attention, you are ready for all that you know you are to be, that you are ready, you are ready you are ready – you are coming, you are coming, you are coming.


You are on path. You are working it out. You are ready to believe and receive. Tell your future self that she will get to experience the love and intimacy she deserves, that she will get to write that book and share her experiences, she will get to drive that car and live in that home, she does make the impact, she feels confident within her purpose – let all that you do excite the future version of you, because she is coming, she is coming, she is coming… she is you.


You are not about to give up on believing that you get to live a life that feels so full of love and light and passion and purpose and certainty and conviction. You are not about to forget just how important you are, how much you matter, how needed you impact is. You are going to remember. You are going to see it all, you are going to feel it all, you are going to claim it all.

See anytime you perceive something, anytime you have an urge, a craving, a desire, an idea, a vision, a longing – it’s the future you telling you LOOK WHAT WE HAVE, it’s the future you saying LOOK WHAT WE GET TO EXPERIENCE, it’s the future you saying YES, FOLLOW ME LETS GO .. but for whatever reason, you feel your intuition, you have the idea, you visualise something and you look at it and go “ohhh its nice to have dreams like that. I love thinking about that actually being possible for me”

.. but then you take that moment of breakthough, of realisation, maybe you were reading a book, listening to a podcast, inspired by a conversation, lit up by something you saw on tv and you take that excitement and you look around at your life, and as you look around you see whats already good – and you see the people around you that seem satisfied with what you’ve got and so you just let it fade, or you just take a little of it, you decide you cant ask for too much.


And fom there, you tell yourself, well if I want to have more, do more, be more, feel more.. then I need to work more. 




In this modern world of ours, we have been pushed into thinking productivity is power, but the truth is, when you look around, you soon realise that we might be doing a lot – but it doesn’t mean a lot.


An autopilot life and reactivity mindset is a life that is missing ritual.


So many of us have these thoughts pop up from time to time that ask us “whats the point of any of this? Am I really just here to go to work, buy shit, pay bills and die?”


Those types of thoughts are confronting – they question the choices we are making and our very existence, and we don’t like the way that that feel …so we repress them before we can come up with an answer.

If you have been magnetised here, I know that you will smile as you hear me say this – we don’t need the type of power that comes from productivity  – we need a life dancing with wisdom, mystery - the higher power of knowing and believing in the beautiful magic of being here, in this body, in this life, on this earth.

While the responsibilities and commitments you have might mean that even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t be able to run off into the jungle, rejecting society and living wild and free… the good news is, you definitely don’t have to do that to invite a deeper connection to source and self into your life.


In fact, I know that so many of you listening know what you are good at, are committed to the things you have chosen, and don’t want to change anything in your life – you just want to feel better about it all.

That’s what I want for you too – I am not here today to suggest that you change anything about what you do, where you live, what you are already committed to.


In fact, to, it kind of feels like a spiritual bypass when people go away on retreats to drop in and connect with themselves – whatever is going on for you now, you can trust that it’s the perfect conditions for you to begin to unlock the power you have within yourself.


Your job, your circumstance, your situation is the curriculum you have been given in this life.

Its perfect.   



We keep being sold the idea of having more, being more, earning more, getting more – but the truth is none of that is actually necessary for a life of deep happiness and fulfilment.


When you can learn to live in the space of magic, reverence, devotion to life – you elevate your life and your existence. Your experience of everything changes.

Our culture doesn’t support us in this way of being.


We are women who have been told time and time again that we are unaware of our own worthiness – and we have begun to believe that. Our worthiness is not something we need to work for. Its not something we need evidence of. Its not something that has ever actually been missing from us.

You are worthy.

That’s a complete sentence.

It’s a statement.

You are worthy.


You can begin to play with the magic and mystery of the life you are living even if you hate your job, even if you have been single for too long, even if you are in a shitty relationship, even if you have a hard time managing your weight and making healthy choices for your body, even if you have hardly any money in your bank account, or if you just feel like you need more… nothing actually has to change in your life for you to begin to access and activate the magic within you.


Ritual helps you to remember just how incredible you are, how unique your energetic expression is, how necessary you really are.


Ive had the wonderful gift of having travelled extensively since I was a little girl. Being immersed in other cultures taught me that there are people living in a way that makes it the most normal and natural thing in the world to stop and play, stop and sing, stop and pray.


But in our society, in the way of being we have adapted ourselves to – when it comes to  taking time to do things that would awaken joy, happiness, creativity, laughter, spirit - we have made it ok to say “well I don’t have time for these things” as we race off to join the race of the masses.. a race with no clear finish line and no winner.


We have been conditioned to believe certainty and security will give us what we need.


Its time for us to let go of the tight grip we have on the idea for what life should be – and learn to make friends with the mystery of it all. This life. This dance – while the music is still playing and while we still have time to find our own rhythm, and dance our own dance.


Even if we still have to show up and honour our responsibilities – having daily rituals to play in the magic and mystery of getting to know ourselves intimately IS the “something more” we have been searching for.






So what is ritual?


It sounds fancier than it really is – and you already have many rituals within your life. Common rituals include birthday parties, weddings, funerals, family traditions around holidays, or holy days.. anything that has a certain rhythm, a feel, certain things that are done in a certain way…


Any ritual, big or small,  is an opportunity for transformation.


Having a ritual in your life isn’t just about doing the thing.


Theres a powerful quote that says To do ritual you must be willing to be transformed in some way. The inner willingness is what makes the ritual come alive and have power. If you aren't willing to be changed by the ritual, don't do it. – Starhawk



What do rituals do?


Rituals deepen your own experience, they create memory, they create art and ALIVENESS.


Rituals invite us to BRING THE SACRED BACK INTO cookie cutter lives we have unconsciously created for ourselves. Ritual offers up the space to slow down in this world of go, go, go, do, do, do


Rituals can be created as personal rituals, cultural rituals, nature rituals, family rituals..


There’s actually no set formula, no rules, no right way to do it.


Its likely you already have rituals within your life – It can be helpful to take some time to consider WHAT RITUALS DO U ALREADY DO WITH YOURSELF OR with FAMILY?


And then write them down and explore what is it that you enjoy about them?



When I talk to women about daily RITUALs, often they will tell me that they have rituals but then go on to describe their morning ROUTINE.


There is a big difference between a ritual and a routine.


Routines are great for the things that we want to do on autopilot. The parts of our day that we need to be as effective and efficient as possible.

Remember, ritual is about suspending the need to go, go, go, do, do, do.. it is nothing like a morning routine, although it can be included as part of your morning.


Rituals are something that you pour your heart and intentions and prayers and feelings into. You hold it sacred. You engage the senses. You play and explore and create with the unknown and make magic.


The most beautiful thing about creating your own daily rituals is that you don’t have to consider yourself to be spiritual in any way to begin.


Ritual creates a bridge between us & the sacred/divine mystery.  


Often, women will tell me they like the sound of daily rituals, but they don’t know if its for them because they don’t know if they really believe in anything.

But that’s ok, and strangely, its almost the point.


Our daily rituals actually remind us that we don’t know why we’re here or where we’re going & they supports us in learning how to feel safe enough to stop trying to control everything and everyone. Instead of believing we have to be in control to be happy – we release ourselves into the belief that in fact, everything is magical. Everything is already available to us. Everything is working out in our favour.


When we are heads down, bum up in the busyness of life – we miss the magic that is all around us.


The silliness of the little things that could make us smile.

The things we could take delight in.

The ways in which the world can be a place of wonder and awe.



One of my spiritual teachers has a mantra that he repeats to himself daily that makes him well aware of lifes impermenance – and its impacted me deeply, so much so, that I too now meditate on death every day. Sah says “I know that I may die today and because of that, may I only do the things that matter most to me, and may they have the greatest healing impact on the lives of as many people possible.”


Doing this, having daily rituals that give me the space to confront the limited and unpredictable nature of the time I have left daily – helps me to see the day through a lens of gratitude and love. We never ever know when we are experiencing something for the last time – and yet we race through the day not taking it all in.


The daily rituals I am hoping to be able to teach you are not long, drawn out, complicated practices. If you want to live a life that feels meaningful then you will have to stop being too busy to engage in small rituals.


Our rituals are part of our day, but it pains me to describe them as being part of our routine. This is space we hold for ourselves outside of routine. This is a space of listening and deep connection – to self and whatever else we hold as sacred.


I am open and willing to share my practices, but I will never invite you to just copy and paste and take them on for yourself. The most meaningful rituals will be the ones YOU create that address your personal needs. What works for me will not work for you.

Rituals are so powerful in the morning because they support us is taking inventory of what is going on within our minds. Before our day has even begun, before we have even fully woken up, our minds are off and racing, predicting whats to come, anticipating whats next for us…


According to Buddhist literature there are 2 kinds of thought.

We have an Initial thought – which is closest to our truth, it  addresses a need we recognise

But then what follows are a whole lot of other thoughts, that sound like commentary based on the concepts you have about yourself and the world.


So we might have the thought “I need a new job” and then straight after that thought comes the commentary denying the credibility of the initial thought often with negativity mixed with it. It sounds like “I need a new job” but Im not qualified enough for a promotion and not talented enough to try anything else…


When the commentary arises and pushes back the need, and you believe the commentary, you’re staying in your comfort zone.

Our comfort zone is the place and space created by the concepts we have believed – whats allowed, whats possible, whats acceptable and usually these are things that we haven’t even decided consciously for ourselves, these are the things we have been told are the right things.. our self doubt isn’t even our own, it’s the echo of all the outside influence we have internalised.


Ritual suspends our logic and our rational mind - ritual asks you to expand your view in every single moment.

Beyond your partial view. Beyond your commentary that keeps you small. Beyond your comfort zone. To play with the magic and mystery of unlimited potential and possibility. Ritual offers you the energy you would need to break the mold.


I guess we can say that ritual Interrupts our day. It wakes us up from the sleep walk we can find ourselves in as we go through life doing whats always been done. 




Ritual is a rebellion in our society that is so fixated on micro analysing everything and having evidence of everything and disproving everything to inflate the ego.


Ritual holds space for us to reignite wonder, awe, and reverence for the mystery that we are.


Ritual gives us the feeling of co creation. Ritual lets us play our role in seducing life & making love to the present moment. We become open and receptive to the magic.

Ritual supports us in enhancing our capacity to be in receiving mode.


In this busy world, pulling us in too many directions all at once - ritual allows for stillness, you slow down time. The point of ritual isn’t to get it done – its whole purpose is to allow you to feel presence. Think of yourself lighting a candle or pouring tea – you cant do it any faster than it can be done.


My own willingness to honour ritual has been inspired by watching my son play. Ritual is very much like the imaginative play we see children being thrilled with – the potential and possibility to be anything and experience everything. We were once children, and our imaginations didn’t slip away from us.. we just stopped utilising them. We grew up and were told to focus, and we lost our connection to magic and mystery.


When designed carefully, rituals become an anchor in your life. They bring you home to yourself. To the you that only you can experience and be in communication with.


When you ritualize your life you get to decide what rituals hold POWER FOR YOU.



Some examples of rituals are - morning prayers with your family, lighting a candle and writing down all that you are grateful for experiencing in the day you just had before you go to bed, once a

Week immersing yourself in a long breathwork practise, singing as you make your bed or clean dishes, participating in a new moon ritual and honouring the cycles, honouring the seasons, pulling a card, offering prayer and dancing..


Remember, its not about the ACT its about the intention / the magic / the ceremony you put into it.



When you are creating your own ritual you might like to think about how you could include things that would stimulate your senses - like color, music, incense, candles,  because stimulating your senses will actually support you in your ability to bring presence to the moment and to whatever you are ritualising.


Think about where it would best be done and if you need any props, and how accessible they are to you.


Consider if your rituals will be personal, or if there is anyone that you want to do them with?


You will need clarity around what it is that you are celebrating or praying for.


This can feel overwhelming to clarify, this is the support I offer – guiding you in asking yourself the questions that will stimulate the answers that will reveal what it is that you are calling in, dancing with, celebrating, honouring.. and how doing that would actually positively contribute to the overall sense of fulfilment, wellness and success you experience within your life.


You can begin by identifying 3 things that you already do everyday that you could ritualise.


The ritual gains power by your presence and your approach to it. Intention and repetition is what spritualizes things and spiritualizes your life.


Your rituals only need your understanding, belief and presence. Noone else has to truly understand it – and its important that you suspend skeptisism. Doing ritual without being dropped into deep presence is just mindless and heartless auto-pilot. You don’t just want to be going through the motions of your ritual – you want to feel yourself coming alive and you embody connection between your inner and outer worlds.


Your rituals can be simple, or if you are already on a journey of spiritual exploration and expansion this can be a time where you include sacred objects and create a circle of protection around you or call in your guides, or not. Up to you.



Rituals don’t have to take long to prepare for – I know as a working mama, I usually have ten mins or less. For me, it’s a simple set up of Turn on the music, adjust the lighting, light some incense, make the space feel good & begin to drop in..


We can use prayer, breath, sacred music, chanting mantras, a meditation. Whatever drops you into the experience.


The most important thing is your presence. Its not a time to multi task. Leave chit chat at the door. Enter into sacred space. Treat this like your temple.


Then - after you've dropped in - complete your ritual and then close the ritual with a prayer, song, dance, blow out a candle, open the windows, have a shower, whatever and let it be done.


But then do it again and again and again.


Once and done will make no impact.

Bringing ritual into your existence in the gift you give yourself – it’s the way that you bring a beautiful awareness to all that is still magical and mysterious about this life of ours. It’s a way to explore your connection with self and to open yourself up to all that is available for you – to see beyond the day to day ups and downs and remember the wonder and awe of it all.

Look around you. In the space you are in. See it with fresh eyes. What have you been missing. How did we get here? Where are we going? Whats the point? Big questions, but ritual supports us in remembering that life is supposed to be an expression of love and joy and fun and wonder and awe and friend, the music is playing.. the dance of your life is in motion.

Your rhythm is the expression of who you are – and while we have time, I think its important we dance with life. We show up and move through it with presence and passion and purpose.

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19 minute transmission from the heart of Lena Moxon. 
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